Video Overview | Vitamix Aerating Container Whiskey Sour Recipe

Video Overview | Vitamix Aerating Container Whiskey Sour Recipe

Oct 12th 2017 Written by meredithlangley

With its unique disc blade that allows for optimal air-flow, the Vitamix Aerating Container is able to create craft cocktails at the touch of a button, combining foaming, quick chilling, and proper mixing technique in one simple step. In this video, Matt Duggan pairs the Aerating Container with The Quiet One blender to make a delicious, foamed whiskey sour.



Hi, my name's Matt Duggan, Recipe Development Manager here at Vitamix. I'm here to introduce you today to one of our latest innovations in our commercial line, our Aerating Container. It features a unique disc blade that allows you to create different textures and techniques utilizing our commercial equipment. For more information on the Aerating Container, please contact your Vitamix Regional Sales Manager.

Vitamix 062947 Aerating Container with Disc Blade - 32 oz

Disc blade design creates dense and pourable culinary foam, flavored whipped cream, mousse, infusions, and emulsions.

Check it out
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I'd like to demonstrate making a craft cocktail which highlights a foaming technique in our Aerating Container. Classic cocktails are also completed just as easily. We'll be using the Quiet One machine and the variable speed feature for this recipe. In the cocktail, we've got a little bit of bourbon whisky, some pasteurized egg white, simple syrup, and a fresh citrus juice that were coincidentally made in the Aerating Container early today, and some ice. We're going to secure the lid and place it on our blending base. We've already pre-selected 25% speed as our blending speed and we're going to let it run for about 20 seconds. I'll press start and let the 20 seconds go by.

Now we've got a nicely foamed Citrus Whisky Sour that we'll pour into our glass. And garnish off with a little bit of orange peel. The advantages of using the Aerating Container for this is that the cocktail is combined with foaming, quick chilling, and mixing techniques all into one simple step, replacing the traditional bar shaker and allowing for labor savings costs. Cheers.

Oct 12th 2017 meredithlangley

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